
Arrival and Departure

The property is available from 4.00pm on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 10.00am on the day of departure.

Electricity and gas

Electricity and gas is included in the cost.


Virgin wi-fi - log on details will be provided.

Smoking and pets

Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the property; guests will be asked to leave the premises if this condition is ignored. Small dogs maybe permitted on arrangment but will incur additional cleaning costs and we also ask that you hoover daily while you are at the property.

Condition of property & breakages

The property should be left in a clean and tidy condition. If extra cleaning over and above the normal is required, a minimum charge of £30 will be made. Breakages should be advised to owners so that replacements can be provided for the next guests. Breakages and losses will be charged for.

Bedding & Towels on departure

Due to covid, our cleaner has asked that all guests strip the beds they have used and place sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers along with used towels in the large linen bag that has been provided.

Number of guests

Only the arranged number of guests may stay in the property. No extra guests will be permitted unless by prior arrangement.

No Single Sex Groups

The house is more suited to families and extended families & friends rather than a group of single sex guests. So no Hen or Stag parties etc. will be permitted.

Responsibility for possessions

The owners accept no responsibility for guests personal possessions in the property or for cars, bicycles, surf boards or other equipment left outside the property.


A deposit of 30% of the total cost is required at the time of booking to confirm the reservation; if payment is not received within 4 days of the date of invoice the owners reserve the right to re-advertise the dates. The balance is required a minimum of four weeks before the date of arrival . Payments should be made preferably by bank transfer. In the case of a booking being made within four weeks of arrival, the whole sum will be payable on booking.

Cancellation (by guests)

All deposits are non refundable and cancellation charges are 40% of the balance. if within 4 weeks of the date of arrival, 70% if within 3 weeks, 80% if within 2 weeks and 100% within 7 days. It is strongly recommended that guests take out holiday insurance to protect against cancellation charges, which are applicable whatever the reason for the cancellation other than government lockdown or travel restrictions due to Covid-19.

Cancellation (by owners)

If for any reason the owners are unable to provide the property as booked, including issues arising from Covid-19, dates can be transferred or cost of the holiday will be refunded in full, with no further liability.